Holistic Care

Since the ancient times, human beings struggle to understand what’s beyond their physical body…. The constant search within us to unconsciously unite what we understand as senses of the body with a higher purpose.

Looking at the nowadays lifestyle, we rush, we stress, we fight…. All in the name of surviving or accomplish the so called “stability” and comfort. We all dream to have a house, a car, money in our personal accounts, good education, a good job, etc.. Because we focus so much on the outer satisfaction,

 we evolve to state of “zombiness” that totally disconnected us from our true nature.

We are far beyond the physical realm, we are emotions, intellect, energy, essence and we cannot expect to be healthy if we keep ignoring the “whole”.

Because we believe that healing goes beyond the physical body, House of Chi offers a range of holistic treatments that will help you to align yourself with the Self. Here some of our holistic care services:

Life Coach


Akasha Reading

Sound Healing Sessions

Pranic Healing

Nurturing Sessions

Mindful Meditation

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Get in Touch

These holistic therapies may be private or included in a group session depending on their nature. If you wish to compliment your journey with our holistic care treatments, please drop us an email , we will be pleased to welcome you